
Experts will present lectures ranging from the practice of tattooing up to the treatment of tattoo complications.


Main topics will be:

  • The practice and epidemiology of tattoos
  • Tattoo complications and their treatment - an  open avenue in dermatology
  • Laser removal, from nano- to picosecond,  with video session
  • Inks, tattooing, tattooists and coming EU initiatives
  • Industrial seminar
  • Discussions and Q&A session




Potential regulation on tattoo inks & PMU under REACH by Evgenia Stoyanova

The EADV Tattoo Campaign by Christa de Cuyper

Coming standards for tattoo hygiene and practices according to CEN by Thijs Veenstra

Update on regulatory activities related to tattoo inks in the United States by Linda M. Katz

Ongoing rise and fall of tattoos by Anne E. Laumann

Experiences with hygiene and quality control of my tattoo parlor delegated to a private accreditation bureau by Liz Kierstein

Death or Glory for ResAP (2008) I? By Gerald Prior

Sterile inks and methods of sterilization by Lucia Bonadonna

Picosecond pulses - my experience by Maurice Adatto

MR Scanning, tattoos and reported skin burn - fact or myht? by Kasper K. Alsing

Basic principles of laser tattoo removal by Wolfgang Bäumler

Results of the national survey on the diffusion, characteristics and risk awareness regarding tattooing in Italy by Alberto Renzoni

Skin infections and prevention measures by Wulf Schneider



Drugs and dermopigmentation: collateral effects of drugs in relation with dermopigmentation treatments by Michela Fortunato